Saturday, 18 August 2012

這個太太不太懶: 我愛嘔吐物

這個太太不太懶: 我愛嘔吐物: Guacamole - "What a terrific treat !" 這個狀似嘔吐物或異形分泌物的一Pat嘢,係大小兒子搞的小兒科習作。 在超級市場購物時,大小兒子照例不知所踪。待發現他們二人行踪時,竟然發現他們在蔬果部認真選購。我當然唔會多事,由得他們自由發...


Guacamole - "What a terrific treat !"


在超級市場購物時,大小兒子照例不知所踪。待發現他們二人行踪時,竟然發現他們在蔬果部認真選購。我當然唔會多事,由得他們自由發揮,只要負責掏鈔票付款就好了。最後他們買了Avocados, Onions, Tomatoes, Limes, Chili Peppers, Black Peppers, Coriander, 以及 Organic blue corn tortilla chips。

其實我一向不喜歡吃狀似 puree 的食物。我認喎,我係注重外表多D;但勢估唔到大小兒子E樣唔似我,懂得欣賞內在美。最後煮飯仔的成果亦著實不錯 !!! 我地一路食住有愛的嘔吐物,一路圍埋看 The Thing,特別有感覺。

I had tried guacamole in Mexican restaurant several years ago but I have never tried the guacamole or any kind of dips prepared by my sons.  What a wonderful treat !!! BTW, I think guacamole will also go well with tacos and burritos.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

這個太太不太懶: 各走各路,見鑊打鑊

這個太太不太懶: 各走各路,見鑊打鑊:  Who can bear the throbbing pain of migraine ? 說長不算很長,跟它糾纏只不過二十多年吧了。跟它絶對沒有難捨難離、但每次的交集都肯定是死去活來;要不就來個典床典蓆,要不就痛個錐心泣血。談不上交心,但已經要了我的命。老早就應...


 Who can bear the throbbing pain of migraine ?


這個太太不太懶: Wee Sing

這個太太不太懶: Wee Sing: Spiderman, Spiderman, Does Whatever a Spider Can I've never liked singing songs except when I shared the joy of singing children's son...

Wee Sing

Spiderman, Spiderman, Does Whatever a Spider Can

I've never liked singing songs except when I shared the joy of singing children's songs and fingerplays together with my son. 

  • Eentsy Weentsy Spider
  • Clap Your Hands
  • Hickory, Dickory Dock
  • Three Little Monkeys
  • Jack and Jill
  • Where is Thumbkin ?
  • Five Little Fishies
  • This Old Man
  • Little Peter Rabbit
  • Bingo
  • Old MacDonald Had a Farm
  • One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
  • The Alphabet Song
  • Ten Little Fingers
  • Rain, Rain, Go Away
  • Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
  • If You're Happy 
Indian version of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" that my sons like recently

Boy, I can still remember these were on our favourite playlist.  So, can you remember too ?
Back then, I was originally aiming at the benefits of language development, muscular coordination, body awareness, rhythmic proficiency rather than the mere enjoyment of music.  But, I ended up enjoying it mostly for the intimacy and the joyful experiences together.  I hope you enjoyed it too.