Wednesday, 20 July 2011

BMI 與美滿婚姻

研究:妻比夫瘦 婚姻較快樂

體重相對論 體胖亦快樂

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Stress and the City

City dwellers have higher risks for mental disorders

Research has discovered that growing up or living in the city affects how stress is processed in the brain.  Findings from McGill University have shown that the risk for anxiety disorders is 21% higher for people from the city, who also have a 39% increase for mood disorders.  In addition, the incidence for schizophrenia 精神分裂症 is almost doubled for individuals who are born and brought up in cities.

Monday, 11 July 2011

The ABC’s of Raising Teenagers - Happy Mom, Happy Child

Family "Drink Song"

A - Accountability 
Hold your teens accountable for their behaviour.
B – Boundaries
Set specific limits and make the consequences clear if those limits are exceeded.  Parents must say “no” when necessary and hold to it.
C - Consistency
Hold to the same principles and practices.
D – Discipline
Make the consequences fit the act.  Never discipline in anger.
E – Example
Children are in greater need of models than critics.  Be an example for your kids.
F – Forgiveness
Practice it and teach the importance of forgiving.
G – Giving
Teach the joy of giving.  Be generous of your time to family & friends and to others in need.
H – Humour
Keep it.  Have fun & laugh with your children.  It brings joy to our lives.
I – Imagination
Be creative and play with your children.
J – Justice
Be fair and objective and insist that children be fair too.
K – Knowing
Your teen’s friends and their parents as well as their teachers.
L – Love
Love your children unconditionally.
M – Morals
Be sure your own standard of conduct is sound.
N – Nutrition
Expose your teens to healthy food choices and limit high sugar, fat & salty processed or junk foods.  Knowing how to eat well is the key to enjoying a healthy lifestyle.
O – Outdoors
Get outside and encourage regular exercise in your teen’s life – create a healthy future !
P – Pressure
While maintaining high standards, look for ways to reduce the pressure on teenagers.
Q – Questions
Pay close attention to their questions and give honest answers.  If you don’t know the answer, look it up together.
R – Respect
Show respect, teach respect, earn respect.
S – Source of strength
Share your own faith and beliefs with your children.
T – Togetherness
Have special designated times to be together as a family but also know when to let teens go.
U – Uniqueness
Understand the uniqueness of each child, and let that child be who she or he is.
V – Voice
Tone of voice and body language can convey more to a child than words spoken.
W – Word
Keep your word.  Promises broken destroy trust.
X – Expectations
Keep them high and consistent.
Y – You
Take care of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally.  A happy parent helps a child to be happy.
Z – Zoom
Who would have thought they would grow up so quickly?  Enjoy each day.

Another "Drink Song"

Before I trash the 2010-2011 school calendar, let me publish the above so that I can remind myself from time to time.

These ABC’s are nothing extraordinary or new in the parental survival kit but I think that’s why one would overlook them, especially when you are already on the right track.  Undoubtedly, typical responsible parents love their kids unconditionally, set an example for their kids and provide necessary nutrition to them …. 

To me, H, T, Y and Z are noteworthy.  I always think that my silly jokes will only embarrass my kids.  I know a sense of humour brings joy to their lives but how do I know my kids will grow up to be proud of having a GAGmother?  I shed a doubt about “togetherness”.  Sometimes, togetherness doesn’t deserve a credit as “closeness” over value time.  Y and Z are new but important reminders for me.  It is absolutely right that only a happy and healthy (and wealthy is even better) parent helps a child to be happy, so enjoy each day.

So kids, remember this reciprocal rule: always make me happy, then you will be happy !!!!