Sunday, 21 August 2011

To love, To be loved

When we talk about love, it is imperative to remember that love is not just what we give to others, but also what we give to ourselves.  (Okay, you may probably say the other way round that love is not only what we take from others, but also what we give to others – both works.)  

Having positive self-love is an integral part to be capable of receiving love and giving love.  The feeling of being love, whether it is by friends, family, or lovers is important to us all.  In the same respect, they need to feel loved as well and we should remember to give love to those special people in our lives.  Out of brainstorming with my lovely friends, we strongly believe that only with positive self-esteem you will be able to share and give more of yourself to the people that are close to you.  Only when you feel good about yourself you don’t need to depend on what others think or feel about you.

Love you, Love me.  Be your own best friend.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

我的健康週記 -隨隨便便減10磅無難度




  • 原來這裏的西柚味道不錯,不會像香港買的那樣酸。
  • 原來只吃西柚做晚飯,一點都不覺得肚餓;有都可能是源自你的心魔吧。
  • 原來一天只有兩餐吃得豐富,就已經足夠應付一天的活動,絶對沒有手軟腳軟的感覺。
  • 原來十天過去,同一時間上磅一看:只有133磅﹗
  • 原來減了十磅,外貌竟然一點都不覺瘦,可能我實在超重得太嚴重吧﹗


Thursday, 18 August 2011

The Riddle of my son, The Riddle of Sphinx


My son tested me on this riddle :

“What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening?”

As smart as Oedipus in Greek mythology, of course I know the answer is a man, who crawls on all fours as a baby, walks on two legs as an adult, and walks with a cane in old age.  

Though I did not want Michael to destroy himself as Sphinx did, I think I should have enslaved him as a condition of solving the riddle.  By the way, the adorable use of morning, noon, and night as metaphors for the times in human life cycle is indeed gorgeous.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011


大話妹 My Girl

downtown開車路經China town East Hastings一帶的街道,遇到不少疑似妓女、流浪漢及道友的路人。兒子坦言感覺懼怕、反感,及揚言不想再到華埠一帶。無論過往及現在,我自己都極少到唐人街,不是不敢去,只是無特別需要去。但每次經過唐人街,我都會記起十五年前的一件事。
