Sunday, 22 January 2012

Logical to become a Vegetable

Logical Song

He talked about what he likes to study.
I talked about what’s good to study.
He talked about his dream.
I talked about the living.
He talked about the way to explore.
I talked about the way to survive.
He talked about his life.
I talked about the life in a society.
He talked about individuality.
I talked about the conformity.

What a sensible chat and the interweaving background music is “The Logical Song” – a song that I really didn’t like and understand in the 80s, 90s, 00s but I suddenly love the song in this decade, strange though. 

As a person, I really hope my kids have dreams and work toward their dreams.  And indeed how fascinated it is to have a dream.  As a mother, I’d rather hope they could be vulnerable in the society but I’ve overlooked the cruelty that the society would probably hurt them first. 

Is the Logical Song really logical?  Can we all turn ourselves into Peter Pan? When you celebrate your adulthood, you are actually experiencing a gradual loss of innocence and happiness we experienced in childhood.  Interestingly it is the same world, where you saw it as a magical place and where you are supposed to conquer, comes to tame you, condition you, if not ostracize, ridicule and crucify you.  

When Peter Pan signs up to become one of the masses, following the dogma, he is saved and becomes a vegetable.  Congratulations.    

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