Friday, 29 April 2011

I am woman = I am chicken ????

Every time when I listen to the song “I am woman” from Sex and the City 2, my son will echo with “I am chicken……” Finally, I know what he meant.  Finally, I know I shouldn't have scolded him in the first place.

Sesame Street
I am chicken

am chicken, hear me squawk
Hear me crow and hear me bawck
Watch me rule my roost
And strut around my coop
People say I've got great legs
And they're nuts about my eggs
And when they're sick they gobble down my soup

Oh yes, I am proud
Of the way I peck and scratch
I am plump, I am loud
Just don't count me 'till I hatch
I'm nutritious, I am pure, I'm delicious, I'm cocksure
I am tender, I'm exceptional
I am chicken!

I am chicken I'm not scared
'Cause I'm always well prepared
And I feed all kinds of people every day
[ Sesame Street Lyrics are found on ] 
I can cackle with the best
And I'll tackle any test
Showing even when I'm down, I'm still Grade A

Oh no, I'm no dumb cluck 
And I won't throw in the towel
I'm no turkey, I'm no duck
I'm the fairest of the fowl
I am tasteful to the end
I'm your finest feathered friend
I am plucky, I'm unflappable, I am chicken!

background singing chickens: 
She is tender, she is loud,
She is plucky, she is proud
She's delicious, she is pure
She's nutritious, she's cocksure
She can cook and she is chic
And we love her wings and beak

I am not sure when did I watch this movie with my dearest friends but I am sure we did have fun that day.

Sex And The City 2
I am woman

I am woman, hear me roar
In numbers too big to ignore
And I know too much to go back and pretend
'Cause I've heard it all before
And I've been down there on the floor
No one's ever gonna keep me down again
Oh yes, I am wise
But it's wisdom born of pain
Yes, I've paid the price
But look how much I gained
If I have to, I can do anything
I am strong
I am invincible
I am woman

You can bend but never break me
'Cause it only serves to make me
More determined to achieve my final goal
And I come back even stronger
Not a novice any longer
'Cause you've deepened the conviction in my soul 
Oh yes, I am wise
But it's wisdom born of pain
Yes, I've paid the price
But look how much I gained
If I have to, I can do anything
I am strong
I am invincible
I am woman
I am woman, watch me grow
See me standing toe to toe
As I spread my loving arms across the land
But I'm still an embryo
With a long long way to go
Until I make my brother understand
Oh yes, I am wise
But it's wisdom born of pain
Yes, I've paid the price
But look how much I gained
If I have to, I can face anything
I am strong
I am invincible
I am woman  




Wednesday, 27 April 2011



到過的馬六甲日本人墓園裏,共有三十四個墓碑,及兩個沒有墓碑的墓基。二十二個女性,十一個男性,一個狗墓(狗墓的墓碑上寫著EMEN NO HAKA,愛犬EMEN的墓)。一個雙人墓是兩歲的男童與一歲的女童,另有三個墓屬於一歲和兩歲的女童。



Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Comic Boy and The Reader

Panorama of Old Master Q 老夫子


小兒子看的書很專! 有文化的、正經的、有益的、童話故事、兒童讀物,通通不看;只看通俗、搞笑的漫畫。無論看懂及看不懂的都會看著笑翻天。




Monday, 25 April 2011



一個有夜盲症的路痴,為慶祝兒子拿了Straight A,帶兒子到市中心購物吃喝玩樂。但原來神馬成績都是浮雲。讀書叻原來不一定會認路,真是不一般的呆。認得路的那個,就看錯了停車場關門時間,亂點一通。識路的那個,就將眼睛遺留在家中,入夜頓成夜盲路痴。開車去,搭車返;好不充實的一個周末。明天就要搭車去,開車返;又是一個混吉的周日。我們三傻就是如此這般地過了這個復活節。最吊詭的是,這次已經係我第N次開車到市中心了。(23 April 2011)

In Blenz Coffee, Wild Strawberry Black is better than Matcha
Signature Afternoon Tea


Coal Harbour

A treat by the Coal Harbour

City views
A car on Robson Street


Water Street
Shopping at Godown

插曲 - "3-idiots" adventure
Just be back to home after a "3-idiots" adventure. We drove to downtown, back by transit while our car is staying overnite in the carpark. Don't ask me why right now because I am so exhausted.  I will tell you tomorrow after I get back my car. (10:30 pm on 23 April 2011)

The Old Spaghetti Factory

Steamed mussels

Finally - we got our car back! We have discovered one thing : the car park is located at 666 Burrard Street and is open on Monday - Friday 8 :00AM to 9:00PM and Sunday 9:00AM to 1:30PM but closed on Saturday. We parked our car there on a SATURDAY. So strange :\
(11:00 am on 24 April 2011)
Can't keep myself awake without double black this morning


As Lisa said, isn’t it spooky ? But we did park there on Saturday and paid $5.50 for whole-day parking.  When we finished shopping and dinner, we went back to the same building at 8:20 pm.  The main entrance was closed but a staff let us in after we told him via the speaker that we had to get our car from the underground carpark.  When we drove our car up to the gate, we found that the gate was closed, the guard was gone and the lights were dark.  In the darkness, knowing that we were late for taking the car, we went home by public transit.  On Sunday morning, we went back to the carpark by taxi and skytrain.  The same Indian guard only said it’s OK to take the car without any surcharge, but he did not want to talk about it any more. (25 April 2011)

Parking receipt


Friday, 22 April 2011


Yum Yum Yum

杏仁豆腐花 (走豆腐的那種) 
材料: 杏仁油數滴, 牛奶一大瓶, 大菜半包, 7, 糖適量, 模型 
做法: 將水煮開放入大菜煮至溶化加入糖,要不停攪拌,待所有材料都溶解後,加入牛奶煮沸後馬上熄火,將材料過濾倒入模型待涼放入冰箱,冰涼後即可取食。


