Saturday, 18 August 2012
這個太太不太懶: 我愛嘔吐物
這個太太不太懶: 我愛嘔吐物: Guacamole - "What a terrific treat !" 這個狀似嘔吐物或異形分泌物的一Pat嘢,係大小兒子搞的小兒科習作。 在超級市場購物時,大小兒子照例不知所踪。待發現他們二人行踪時,竟然發現他們在蔬果部認真選購。我當然唔會多事,由得他們自由發...
Guacamole - "What a terrific treat !"
在超級市場購物時,大小兒子照例不知所踪。待發現他們二人行踪時,竟然發現他們在蔬果部認真選購。我當然唔會多事,由得他們自由發揮,只要負責掏鈔票付款就好了。最後他們買了Avocados, Onions, Tomatoes, Limes, Chili Peppers, Black Peppers, Coriander, 以及 Organic blue corn tortilla chips。
其實我一向不喜歡吃狀似 puree 的食物。我認喎,我係注重外表多D;但勢估唔到大小兒子E樣唔似我,懂得欣賞內在美。最後煮飯仔的成果亦著實不錯 !!! 我地一路食住有愛的嘔吐物,一路圍埋看 The Thing,特別有感覺。
I had tried guacamole in Mexican restaurant several years ago but I have never tried the guacamole or any kind of dips prepared by my sons. What a wonderful treat !!! BTW, I think guacamole will also go well with tacos and burritos.
black pepper,
chili pepper,
organic blue corn tortilla chips,
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
這個太太不太懶: 各走各路,見鑊打鑊
這個太太不太懶: 各走各路,見鑊打鑊: Who can bear the throbbing pain of migraine ? 說長不算很長,跟它糾纏只不過二十多年吧了。跟它絶對沒有難捨難離、但每次的交集都肯定是死去活來;要不就來個典床典蓆,要不就痛個錐心泣血。談不上交心,但已經要了我的命。老早就應...
Who can bear the throbbing pain of migraine ?
這個太太不太懶: Wee Sing
這個太太不太懶: Wee Sing: Spiderman, Spiderman, Does Whatever a Spider Can I've never liked singing songs except when I shared the joy of singing children's son...
Wee Sing
Spiderman, Spiderman, Does Whatever a Spider Can |
I've never liked singing songs except when I shared the joy of singing children's songs and fingerplays together with my son.
- Eentsy Weentsy Spider
- Clap Your Hands
- Hickory, Dickory Dock
- Three Little Monkeys
- Jack and Jill
- Where is Thumbkin ?
- Five Little Fishies
- This Old Man
- Little Peter Rabbit
- Bingo
- Old MacDonald Had a Farm
- One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
- The Alphabet Song
- Ten Little Fingers
- Rain, Rain, Go Away
- Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
- If You're Happy
Indian version of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" that my sons like recently
Boy, I can still remember these were on our favourite playlist. So, can you remember too ?
Back then, I was originally aiming at the benefits of language development, muscular coordination, body awareness, rhythmic proficiency rather than the mere enjoyment of music. But, I ended up enjoying it mostly for the intimacy and the joyful experiences together. I hope you enjoyed it too.
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Runaway 走咗就唔好返嚟
Tonight when I went home, I saw 'Mickey'. Even before I could say "hello" to him, he had already run away.
It's good that he is running from our front yard to our neighbour's front yard.
It's bad that I don't know if I can stop him from coming back.
Runaway by Bruno Mars
Monday, 30 April 2012
Sakura Mochi + Sakurazaka
Saturday, 28 April 2012
The Best Way to Drink Yakult
Haha, I do have something in common with the Rooftop Prince - to drink Yakult in a row with a straw. I bet this is the best way to drink Yakult.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
P.S. : 其實,我以前未食過粒粒粟米魚肉腸及黑椒魚肉腸,味道OK啦﹗D陳皮唔係好得,但如意欖OK喎﹗點解大肉腸得一條咁少?應該買多一條,改成雙節腸;有得食仲有得玩,你話幾咁好呢?
Monday, 27 February 2012
Goodbye Yesterday
Goodbye Yesterday
watashi ga ima koko ni iru
hora ne ima made yori egao ga niau desho?
omoikiri waratte naite
jibunrashisa ni deaeta
yatto tadoritsuita
eien no yasashisa ni tsuzuku michi
namida no kazu dake hito wa kitto
shiawase ni chikazuiteiru hazu
sayonara kara ashita ga hajimaru
Goodbye Yesterday
and Hello tomorrow...
watashi ga ima koko ni iru
hora ne ima made yori egao ga niau desho?
omoikiri waratte naite
jibunrashisa ni deaeta
yatto tadoritsuita
eien no yasashisa ni tsuzuku michi
namida no kazu dake hito wa kitto
shiawase ni chikazuiteiru hazu
sayonara kara ashita ga hajimaru
Goodbye Yesterday
and Hello tomorrow...
tatoeba dareka wo ai shite
kizu tsuku koto ga attemo
sore wa itoshii kizu
asu e no michishirube
subete wo ukeireta toki ni
hikari wa chikazuitekuru
sora ni dakareta toki
eien wa kono mune ni kizamareru
kisetsu ga kaze no you ni megutte
watashi wa kami wo mijikaku kitte
sekai wa kyou mo asa wo mukaeru
Goodbye Yesterday...
kizu tsuku koto ga attemo
sore wa itoshii kizu
asu e no michishirube
subete wo ukeireta toki ni
hikari wa chikazuitekuru
sora ni dakareta toki
eien wa kono mune ni kizamareru
kisetsu ga kaze no you ni megutte
watashi wa kami wo mijikaku kitte
sekai wa kyou mo asa wo mukaeru
Goodbye Yesterday...
Goodbye Yesterday...
yorokobi to kanashimi ni dakarete
watashi wa yasashiku hohoenderu
sayonara koso kinou e no kansha
Goodbye Yesterday
and Hello tomorrow...
yorokobi to kanashimi ni dakarete
watashi wa yasashiku hohoenderu
sayonara koso kinou e no kansha
Goodbye Yesterday
and Hello tomorrow...
Friday, 24 February 2012
A Latte or A Love Song
Love you like a love song ? I have never thought of loving someone like a love song.... I listen to many love songs everyday. My son said the song represents Gomez's rhapsodizing of the 'you' persona in the song. I may not understand the meaning of the lyrics but I know that only elementary school kids like this song.
The music video is amusing and looks like those from the 80s and 90s - though I like the Chipettes' version more.
How wonderful it is to start every day with love and a latte !
So if you want to love me like a love song, please love me like a latte instead.
So if you want to love me like a love song, please love me like a latte instead.
Like a latte by Yoon Gun
Friday, 17 February 2012
心 態 習 性
Fight the bad feeling
2. 生理期不吃巧克力,因為會加重痛經
3. 養成記錄生理週期的習慣
4. 透過運動而非調整型內衣來塑造曲線
5. 不翹二郎腿,以免壓迫神經
6. 貼身衣物不干洗
4. 透過運動而非調整型內衣來塑造曲線
5. 不翹二郎腿,以免壓迫神經
6. 貼身衣物不干洗
7. 拉風的丁字褲不適宜日常穿著
8. 去年的衣服要進行曝曬後才可以穿
9. 如非必要,不使用衛生護墊
10. 定期檢查化妝品的保質期
8. 去年的衣服要進行曝曬後才可以穿
9. 如非必要,不使用衛生護墊
10. 定期檢查化妝品的保質期
11. 洗浴後一小時再化妝
12. 即使愛美,也不要在耳朵上部的外緣軟骨部位穿耳洞
13. 了解自己的家庭病史,特別是母親和外婆的病史
12. 即使愛美,也不要在耳朵上部的外緣軟骨部位穿耳洞
13. 了解自己的家庭病史,特別是母親和外婆的病史
1. 在牛奶和豆漿之間,選擇後者
2. 覺得還可以再吃半碗飯時,離開餐桌
3. 如果身體不感到飢渴,每天只需飲用4杯水
2. 覺得還可以再吃半碗飯時,離開餐桌
3. 如果身體不感到飢渴,每天只需飲用4杯水
5. 無論什麼原因,都別抽煙
5. 無論什麼原因,都別抽煙
6. 在食譜裡添加雜糧和菜蔬
7. 飲綠茶勝過紅茶
8. 重視早餐多過晚餐
9. 控制鹽的用量
7. 飲綠茶勝過紅茶
8. 重視早餐多過晚餐
9. 控制鹽的用量
10. 起床後先刷牙,再喝水
11. 經常嚼口香糖
12. 一早一晚,兩個蘋果可以有效改善便秘
11. 經常嚼口香糖
12. 一早一晚,兩個蘋果可以有效改善便秘
13. 純素食可能導致荷爾蒙分泌異常,造成不孕
14. 每周至少吃一次魚
15. 遠離可樂等碳酸飲料
16. 不喝久煮的火鍋湯
17. 沒有果汁牛奶這回事,它們是天生的冤家
18. 飯前吃水果勝過飯後
19. 睡前可以來一杯紅葡萄酒
20. 喝咖啡可能引起女性骨質疏松
14. 每周至少吃一次魚
15. 遠離可樂等碳酸飲料
16. 不喝久煮的火鍋湯
17. 沒有果汁牛奶這回事,它們是天生的冤家
18. 飯前吃水果勝過飯後
19. 睡前可以來一杯紅葡萄酒
20. 喝咖啡可能引起女性骨質疏松
1. 多享受早晨8-9點的陽光
2. 跑步、騎腳踏車等運動可以保持優美的腿線條
3. 熱水泡腳可有效預防靜脈曲張
4. 精神極度疲倦時並不適宜以運動減壓,休息更重要
5. 冬季少做戶外運動
6. 10層以下,不乘坐電梯
7. 每三個月改變一次你的健身選單
8. 每天運動半小時,而非週末運動3小時
9. 邊看電視邊做柔軟體操
10. 經常散步
11. 午休也是健身的好時間,不一定非等到晚上
12. 光腳穿運動鞋固然舒服,卻對健康不利
13. 睡半硬的床鋪更有利於頸椎健康
14. 去正規的醫院而非美容院接受按摩
15. 非運動狀態下不喝功能性飲料
16. 運動後休息半小時再入浴
17. 不在過吵的健身房中鍛鍊
18. 正確的姿勢比專程去健身更有效
2. 跑步、騎腳踏車等運動可以保持優美的腿線條
3. 熱水泡腳可有效預防靜脈曲張
4. 精神極度疲倦時並不適宜以運動減壓,休息更重要
5. 冬季少做戶外運動
6. 10層以下,不乘坐電梯
7. 每三個月改變一次你的健身選單
8. 每天運動半小時,而非週末運動3小時
9. 邊看電視邊做柔軟體操
10. 經常散步
11. 午休也是健身的好時間,不一定非等到晚上
12. 光腳穿運動鞋固然舒服,卻對健康不利
13. 睡半硬的床鋪更有利於頸椎健康
14. 去正規的醫院而非美容院接受按摩
15. 非運動狀態下不喝功能性飲料
16. 運動後休息半小時再入浴
17. 不在過吵的健身房中鍛鍊
18. 正確的姿勢比專程去健身更有效
Stand by me
> 心若改變 你的態度跟著改變
> 態度改變 你的習慣跟著改變
> 習慣改變 你的性格跟著改變
> 性格改變 你的人生跟著改變
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Reality Show in Valentine’s Day
Today when we were having a test during the class, the boyfriend of a young classmate showed up in the classroom with a bunch of flowers and a paper bag of present. He went directly to the girl and sat next to her during the class, without any prior communication with our kind tutor. I sat distantly from that girl and could not see her facial expressions. She finished the test in only 15 minutes and left with that guy. After they left, the other ladies screamed and gossiped even though we were having a test. Most of them were excited with the surprise and said that was sweet.
Was that really a sweet surprise or just a surprising embarrassment? May be it was sweet if it happened before or after the class, but never during the class. Love is sweet if we can make it known to each other. However, it is corny if we only make it known to some other people. Love is sweet if we can feel the love from each other. However, it is cheesy if we only show the love to some others. Anyway, as long as the couple thought that was sweet or thoughtful, how others thought about it was pointless.
Sunday, 12 February 2012
狗臉的歲月 My Life As a Dog
八十年代看過的 My Life As a Dog 狗臉的歲月、九十年代看過的 What's Eating Gilbert Grape 不一樣的天空、以及 2000世代看過的 Chocolat 濃情朱古力,都是 Lasse Hallstrom 拍的電影。雖然橫跨數十年,但都令人難忘。
Kids, one day when I am tired of your pranks, you spending all day fighting and making me lose my temper, I will definitely separate you two. Though you don't have any uncle living in a rural village, I can still send you to space like the Russian dog.
Kids, next time when you want to say I am fat, think about the mom of Gilbert and Arnie, "She's a whale !"
Friday, 10 February 2012
A random day without K-drama
在沒有韓劇的日子,我們即興吃了韓食。"Kimchi potstickers" 味道真不錯,小朋友及大朋友都很喜歡。我們三人吃了一整包、兩滿碟;肚爆咀油的感覺超滿足幸福。
During tea break in an extremely busy week, we have tried "Kimchi potstickers". "Kimchi potstickers" tasted really good and both of my kids liked it.
During tea break in an extremely busy week, we have tried "Kimchi potstickers". "Kimchi potstickers" tasted really good and both of my kids liked it.
Kimchi potstickers,
random day,
tea break,
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Logical to become a Vegetable
Logical Song
He talked about what he likes to study.
I talked about what’s good to study.
He talked about his dream.
I talked about the living.
He talked about the way to explore.
I talked about the way to survive.
He talked about his life.
I talked about the life in a society.
He talked about individuality.
I talked about the conformity.
What a sensible chat and the interweaving background music is “The Logical Song” – a song that I really didn’t like and understand in the 80s, 90s, 00s but I suddenly love the song in this decade, strange though.
As a person, I really hope my kids have dreams and work toward their dreams. And indeed how fascinated it is to have a dream. As a mother, I’d rather hope they could be vulnerable in the society but I’ve overlooked the cruelty that the society would probably hurt them first.
Is the Logical Song really logical? Can we all turn ourselves into Peter Pan? When you celebrate your adulthood, you are actually experiencing a gradual loss of innocence and happiness we experienced in childhood. Interestingly it is the same world, where you saw it as a magical place and where you are supposed to conquer, comes to tame you, condition you, if not ostracize, ridicule and crucify you.
When Peter Pan signs up to become one of the masses, following the dogma, he is saved and becomes a vegetable. Congratulations.
Logical Song
Lovers in the Wind
I tend to get lost in the midst of songs, movies and books and indulged in sort of relevance of reflex images. When I was discussing with my kid on the way to school, I thought of "Logical Song". When I was listening to "Logical Song" during the way to the library, I thought of "Lord of the Flies". When I turn to read "Lord of the Flies" in the library, I would rather listen to U2. Before I found "Shadow and Tall Trees", I kept on listening to "Lovers in the Wind" though both songs are beautiful.
Lord of the Flies
Shadow and Tall Trees
Thursday, 5 January 2012
食鼻屎身體好 Benefits of Booger-Eating
星島日報 – 2012年1月4日星期三上午6:30
奧地利肺科專家Friedrich Bischinger說,食鼻屎的人是快樂的人,因為他們身心和諧統一!Bischinger說食鼻屎是令人身體健康其中一種好方法!Bischinger一向鼓勵大家食鼻屎,他說:「在醫學上說,食鼻屎完全有道理,是種很合乎自然之道的行為,當鼻屎落到我們的腸時,鼻屎就是天然藥物,因為鼻屎有天然的抗體和防腐劑。」
在二○○七年發表的學術文章《Benefits of Booger-Eating》(即是《食鼻屎的益處》)中,Jane Stephenson將鼻屎和疫苗相提並論,她說在鼻涕中的細菌,當鼻涕乾了成鼻屎後,細菌就都已死或已很弱,當人吃了鼻屎落肚,這些細菌就會幫助人體免疫系統製造抗體,對抗疾病或感染。她說食入的鼻屎會刺激B-lymphocyte,從而製造出抗體。
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