Saturday, 17 September 2011


我最鍾意飲 Yakult, 但要成 CAD3.95一排,好似貴咗D喎﹗

Meggy 話我這個太太真太懶,最近完全無寫BLOG。實情係,這個新學年我又有新攪作 - 就喺每日為兩個孩子做新鮮愛心飯盒,並在他們午飯時專遞給他們。


When we look up close at things, you will find simple things can be sources of great pleasures and hidden wonders of life.  While sucking my favorite Japadog, I started to realize that mustard and relish are embellishments that improve the taste of hot dog.  Each day, let's try to add one little embellishment to improve our lives.  Perhaps, by adding one little embellishment, I can improve the taste of their lunch, or perhaps the taste of their lives too.  


  1. 嘩... 真的很昂貴! 話時話, 我都很耐沒有飲益力多, 還記兒時有一段時間, 每天早餐我都會飯一枝益力多!

    話妳知, 我仍然差不多每什飯天都吃媽媽愛心飯盒, 雖沒有妳新鮮製作, 但對我來說仍然很好味!

    其實幸福就是簡單, 不需華麗堆砌!

  2. When I was frustrated, I liked to drink 5 bottles of Yakult in a row with a straw. Maybe the Japanese marketplace is more expensive than the Chinese supermarket, talking about $3.95.

  3. They seldom finished the whole lunch but now they finish all. I treat it as their appreciation. Ah Q ?
