Sunday, 18 September 2011

Pepero Day

My kids asked me how would I like to celebrate my coming birthday.

Then, give me a day of holiday.  It's Remembrance Day.

Then, buy me pepero sticks.  It's Pepero Day. 

So, let's enjoy a sweet and romantic holiday on my birthday.


  1. oh... time flies so fast... you're been in Canada over 1 year! This is your 2nd birthday in Canada.

    There a different kind of pepero sticks and they're so attractive.... :)

    原來妳真係引証左"幸福就係好簡單, 唔駛華麗的造作".

    Wish you have a sweet and romantic BD!

  2. 如果又過一個又華麗, 又浪漫的簡單假期,就更加幸福啦﹗
