Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Turbulence is the spice of life




很多人習慣性地抱怨自己不幸,卻從來沒有察覺,幸福其實一直都在身邊 因為,只要「家」還在,只要我們還擁有「愛」,就已經是老天最寶貴的恩賜。






面對我們所愛的人,喜歡他們的長處之餘,更該包容、接受他的短處;與其不斷批評,不如多幾聲讚美 這才是讓「愛」永遠「保鮮」的方式。




Circle of Life - Lion King


Sunday, 18 September 2011

Be a sunflower


When your living becomes too tense and difficult, try to relax and seek more balance.  Taking a vacation is one way to forget worries.  The “vacation” I am thinking here is not just the “vacation” you are thinking of.  I am talking about a vacation from a problem.  I am talking about a vacation from worrying about how boring or dumb I am.  I am talking about a vacation from worrying about how far we can go, how much we have to do, or how a relationship is nagging us. 

Looking at the lovely sunflower, let’s turn toward the warm light of the sun.     

Pepero Day

My kids asked me how would I like to celebrate my coming birthday.

Then, give me a day of holiday.  It's Remembrance Day.

Then, buy me pepero sticks.  It's Pepero Day. 

So, let's enjoy a sweet and romantic holiday on my birthday.

Saturday, 17 September 2011


我最鍾意飲 Yakult, 但要成 CAD3.95一排,好似貴咗D喎﹗

Meggy 話我這個太太真太懶,最近完全無寫BLOG。實情係,這個新學年我又有新攪作 - 就喺每日為兩個孩子做新鮮愛心飯盒,並在他們午飯時專遞給他們。


When we look up close at things, you will find simple things can be sources of great pleasures and hidden wonders of life.  While sucking my favorite Japadog, I started to realize that mustard and relish are embellishments that improve the taste of hot dog.  Each day, let's try to add one little embellishment to improve our lives.  Perhaps, by adding one little embellishment, I can improve the taste of their lunch, or perhaps the taste of their lives too.  


Suppa doujyou 


其實小朋友係想問我食嗰一粒Suppa doujyou 係初級、中級、上級定係達人級啫﹗

各位姐妹,仲記唔記得細嗰時成日食嘅 Super Lemon 呢?咁,你又係咩嘢級呢?

Wednesday, 7 September 2011


Life is full of paradoxes.  I want to change myself but accept myself.  I want to treat matters less seriously, and also more seriously.  I want to use my time wisely, but I also want to wander, eat, pray and love.  I want to think about something so I can forget something.  I want to let go of anxiety about the future, yet keep myself energetic and ambitious.  I want to do nothing, but equally want to do whatever at whim.  I hope someone can show me the answer, but I enjoy finding it out by my own self. 

So, that is life.  So, life is fun.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Totally myself

Finally I had an epiphany that I was overweighed.

We all know the secret of losing weight – eat better, eat less and exercise more.  I understand this law but I need to grapple with it for myself, just because I want to minimize the chance of drawing back.  I know my problem - I want to lose weight but I don’t want to make too many changes in the first move.  I did not really want to uproot myself; instead I would rather focus on improving my style as it was.  I keep eating affluent servings when I am hungry and intake less when I don’t feel hungry, without exercises, without starvation.  I understand this style of dieting won’t have overwhelming result but I understand it suits me better and stay longer, at least for the initial stage.  What I just need is to create a personal scheme to put dieting ideas into practice in my life, with a bundle of dessert, soft drinks, carnivore, and keep fine-tuning.

What did my son say?  “Ideology!  It’s totally ideology.  Let’s see whether you can lose weight by sheer ideology.”

我的健康週記 – 一大步後的一小步



Lunch after bowling

第一個星期的唯一改變,就是晚餐盡量只吃一只西柚,其餘兩餐都無變,仍然是大魚大肉多菜,餐前餐後汽水生果甜品任飲任食。我說盡量,因為間中仍有出外吃晚飯。其實我都覺得這個節食行動不知所謂,如果你堅信 No pain, No gain 的話,那我的所謂純節食減肥,就真的是得啖笑﹗幸好托懶,一個星期內就輕了10磅。

A peek into my snack

其後磅數都是橫行,維持在133135磅。其間最驚險就是去了美國短遊,每天在外吃飯,最慘山卡啦鄉下地方,一喺高脂多肉無菜deep fried肥仔餐,一喺不知所謂難食到暈的中餐日餐,又或者你可以選擇唔食囉﹗幸好全程乾煎行山路行得好甘,回來仍然是133135磅,無減亦無升喎﹗


My snack (healthier version)


Sunday, 4 September 2011

Enjoy Nature

When my kids decided to visit Yellowstone National Park, I kept on worrying about the sunburn, the dry skin and the whacked limbs. Surprisingly, the short trip renews my spirit by deepening my connection to nature.  Excuse me that I am not so poetic to describe how it was when I was walking atop of hot springs, geysers, steaming by the heat and dry waves, smelling the sulphides, listening to the streams and falls but feeling the pulse of nature. 

We are living in a miracle and often fail to notice it.  It is a blessing to live in awe of the miracle of life, in awe of the sun, water sky, earth, people, flowers, laughter, smiles, and a myriad of other amazing things.  Let’s enjoy the miracle around us.  Here’s a flower to someone who counts in my life, a flower carrying my affection.   

SMAP 世界上唯一的花