Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Reflections of my life

Reflections of my life - The Marmalade
生命的回顧   橘子果醬合唱團

The changing
Of sunlight to moonlight  
Reflections of my life  我生命的倒影
Oh how they fill my eyes  映滿了我的雙眼
The greetings
Of people in trouble  
Reflections of my life  我生命的倒影
Oh how they fill my eyes  映滿了我的雙眼
All my sorrows
Sad tomorrows  
Take me back to my own home  帶我回自己的家吧
All my cryings  我所有的哭泣
Feel I'm dying, dying  讓我覺得自己就快死去
Take me back to my own home  帶我回自己的家吧
I'm changing, arranging  我正在改變,重新安排
I'm changing, I'm changing everything  改變一切事物
Oh, everything around me  我身邊的一切事物
The world is a bad place  這個世界是個很糟的地方
A bad place, a terrible place to live 一個可怕的地方
Oh, but I don't wanna die 但我還不想死啊
All my sorrows
Sad tomorrows  
Take me back to my own home  帶我回自己的家吧
All my cryings  我所有的哭泣
Feel I'm dying, dying  讓我覺得自己就快死去
Take me back to my own home  帶我回自己的家吧
All my sorrows
Sad tomorrows  
Take me back to my own home  帶我回自己的家吧
All my cryings...   我所有的哭泣

“I'm changing, arranging” 

“I'm changing, I'm changing everything” 
“Oh, everything around me”  

Change doesn’t always come easy.  It takes courage to change.  It is also not always possible to change and arrange everything around us.  Of all our sorrows and all our cryings, definitely there are sad tomorrows but we can also see the sunlight and greetings. 

When you have got into troubles, don’t ever give up.  When you are going through a sad time, always allow yourself to consider the possibility of a brighter future.  I didn’t mean that you have to pretend that everything is fine or that you will have no more adversity.  However, every time when you think that you are dying from your sad yesterdays and sad todays, you will finally find out that you are still alive.  I won’t fool myself that there is panacea for the pain, so I will cry, I will scream and after that I will try very hard not to let my unhappiness dragging me down to the endless cycle of negative feelings, negative behavior and negative living.  So I shop, I cook, I eat, I read, I write, I surf, I chat and I blog.

I don’t like the idea to bury all my sorrows and sad memories. Instead, I like to keepsake it side by side with me as reflections of my life, always reminding me how the pleasure and sweet memories once tasted like.  Every scrap of your memories, happy and sorrow, sweet and bitter, is all precious in making an unique life.

From memory to memory, we can’t predict our future, but it’s going to be a new day.  Let the bright light shines our walk of life. 


  1. Obviously wynners have inspired you.

  2. Thanks for reminding me this good song. You did inspire me too.

  3. Although I never hear this song, it's also inspired me too.

    YoYo, very good article! I like it! :)

    Change certainly happens in our life. We can’t avoid it!

    definitely agree with you!

    If facing bad time, don't give up! To find a way which you think the best to give vent to your frustration!

    For me, when I get into trouble or feel sorrow, I do cry, upset, being down. But I don’t allow myself to stay too long time at that emotion. The best ways are studying, writing, blogging, chatting with the suitable friends, 煲劇, eating, playing FB games, playing badminton, tennis, hiking......

    I know sometimes we feel frustrated when you think it's the lowest, but not, the “more lowest” is coming. But I believe I'll be back the peak on one day in the future. Life like the mountain always goes up and down. I don't believe always staying at the peak or valley.

    徐錦堯神父常說: “痛苦是化了粧的祝福!” I like this statement! Just like in my FB blog talking about the couple ~ misfortunate? bliss? But I believe it’s bliss! Happiness is from our heart!

    Years later, when you look back this trouble or sorrow, you understand it is not a big deal! You will have learnt one of the lessons in your life!

  4. 徐錦堯神父常說: “痛苦是化了粧的祝福!” - 大愛這句﹗我想我要細心咀嚼一下神父這句,很有智慧的一句。煲劇,YEAH﹗今天重温了少少日漫一吻定情,要翻煲一下先。哈日、崇洋、哈韓,崇洋、再哈日。頂自己唔順。

  5. 一吻定情是漫書?還是卡通片?
    至於煲劇, 我就嗒台, 崇洋, 哈韓, 哈日, 又再重複...正! 我仍有幾套台劇未煲, 真係要搵時間煲:)

  6. 日劇男主角是栢原崇那時超帥但無演技,韓版金賢重個樣好 plastic都無演技,台版唔靚但都無演技,日動漫男主直頭係醜樣。女主任何一個版本都唔討好,日劇版裏超噪音,無所事事。如果你一路有煲劇,你會發現好多其後劇的男女主角性格動作描寫,關係發展描寫,都是原形自原來小親親。有時間都想寫下煲劇攻略吹吹水。頂自己唔順。

  7. 啊! 原來是惡作劇之吻! 台版第1,2輯, 我己經煲完. 日版未煲, 可能遲些煲, 但韓版, 聽聞唔掂, 所以唔打算煲住.
    台版唔靚? 趙完唱(鄭元暢)~ 雖然我不是他粉絲, 但他演技ok喎,而且都算靚仔, 佢都做到直樹d寸性格出來, 但我最鐘意女主角林依晨, 亦做到湘琴(琴子)傻傻可愛性格, 林依晨更憑這個偶像劇取得台灣金鐘奬女主角!
    但最可惜, 惡作劇之吻作者已經過了身, 所以沒有結局了!
